Basic IT-security for business

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The “Remote Desktop” allows connecting to virtual or physical servers both individually and within the company.
Access to the “Remote Desktop” can be obtained from any personal computer, tablet, or a mobile phone, with any operating system, from anywhere in the world, with available internet.
The terminal session is connected to the remote server via an encrypted tunnel, to exclude the possibility of interception.

Remote desktop
Remote work with data, using the applications 1C, Office, CRM, etc
Secured E-mail and VoIP accounts
VoIP and mail accounts for up to 5 users, with a limit of 5GB
Safe access
Encrypted IPsec, OpenVPN and WireGuard channels
Emergency shutdown
Emergency system shutdown by SMS / E-mail
Data security
The client’s data is stored in a data center in Israel
IP telephony and chat
Protected communication channels between system users